Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Alrighty then.  Life has become ..... well, certainly an adventure.  Turns out Corey being afraid of heights is hindering his ability to do his work fast enough in his current position in Bangor.  He talked to one of his supervisors, and they are VERY understanding.  They talked it out and will be transferring him down to the manufacturing area .... in Portland, ME ..... in three weeks.


So, now I am back to square one with job searching.  And I am freaking out because I am a girl who loves a good plan in situations like this.  And the plan was just thrown out the window.

I may be MIA for a few days while I scramble around sending my resume to any potential employer I can think of.  Wish me luck and send out some happy, good vibes for me.

**  On the plus side, Mumford and Sons will be playing a free concert August 4th ... in Portland.  Where I will be living.   And I LOVE Mumford and Sons! **

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